Who are M&D Associates?


Monica Hanaway is an Accredited Mediator and an Accredited UKCP Psychotherapist, supervisor, business coach, stress management consultant and management and leadership trainer and consultant. She has always had an active interest in working with disadvantaged and marginalised groups and individuals. This included five years working on the streets taking therapy and support to homeless drug and alcohol users and three years running an intensive therapy and education programme for young people excluded, for a variety of reasons from education.

 For many years she has worked with people who are ‘on the streets’ - homeless, runaways, those with substance misuse problems, gangs, sex workers etc. She has offered ‘street therapy’, restorative justice (between victims and perpetrators), conferencing (between disputant groups, neighbours or families) and mediation (between individuals and authorities, between different gangs, between individuals).

 She designed and acts as Deputy Course Director for the Middlesex University MA in Existential Coaching delivered at NSPC, London. She is Senior Lecturer on a Bar Council/Law society accredited Mediation Course at the School of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology (SPCP), Regent’s College, London using a philosophical and psychological approach to mediation which emphasizes the importance of values, beliefs and self -esteem in the creation and resolution of conflict.

 She was a member of the faculty of Webster International School where she delivered training in conflict resolution to masters students intending to work in NGOs and Diplomatic services. She was a member of the development team who have written a new MA in Creative Leadership and she will be tutoring on the course when it is launched in the next academic year. She also regularly lectures on many aspects of psychotherapy, coaching and leadership in London and Oxford and on organizational psychology at King’s College, London.

 She is part of a team which provides mediation training for the staff of The Tutu Foundation and is currently working with Rev Tutu to explore ways of addressing continued conflict in the Cape townships and Belfast. She was invited to make a presentation at the International Association for Conflict Management Annual IACM Conference in Stellenbosch in July 2012

 She is a highly experienced mediator, coach, trainer and lecturer. She has mediated in a wide variety of disputes involving Marital, Commercial, Employment and Workplace disputes, Family conflicts, disputes between young people, including gangs, as well as Restorative Justice work with victims and perpetrators of crime. She works with global corporate companies, and individuals as a consultant and executive coach. Many of her clients are based abroad and sessions are conducted face to face and through Skype.

 She has lectured and given presentations on Coaching, Management skills, Conflict, Restorative Justice and Mediation, at conferences in the UK, Romania, South Africa and Latvia, to legal and business institutions, as well as to Government and Educational organisations. She has trained mediators in Singapore, Latvia, South Africa, Channel Isles and UK. She has researched the potential for the teaching of conflict resolution skills in the schools and community in order to enhance the wellbeing agenda. She is an expert consultant in mediation for Wall to Wall/BBC.

 She has a long established private practice for psychotherapy, coaching and supervision which she runs from Oxford, using Skype for clients abroad.

 Monica has her own Mediation, Coaching and Training companies including The CH Group - comprising of Community Harmony, Corporate Harmony Limited and Family Business Mediation, and is developing a new venture Mediation in Media. The companies provide coaching, mediation and consultancy to diverse client groups and hold contracts with some global companies.


  • Existential Perspectives on Coaching’ (2012) – joint editor
  • ‘Co-Mediation; Using a Psychological Paired Approach to Resolving Conflict’ (2012) – editor
  • ‘Existential Coaching Skills: The Handbook’ (2014) – joint author
  • ‘Tales of Conflict and the Role of Mediation’ (2014) – sole author
  • 'Existential Leadership' (2017) - sole author


Diana Mitchell is an Accredited Mediator and an Accredited UKCP Psychotherapist, coach, supervisor and trainer.

In her early working life she worked as a dancer and wardrobe mistress before moving into psychology. She has always been interested in diversity and the way people ‘tick’ and has an active interest in working with disadvantaged and marginalized groups, individuals and communities.

She is a founder member of the team, which provides mediation training for the staff of The Tutu Foundation. She is also working with the Foundation to establish mediation panels within the NHS to address both internal conflict and issues between patients and hospital authorities.

She is a highly experienced mediator, trainer and lecturer. She has mediated in a wide variety of disputes involving Community, Commercial, Employment, Workplace, Marital and Family conflicts.

She is a Lecturer on a Bar Council/Law society recognized Mediation Course at the School of Psychotherapy and Psychology (SPPC), Regent’s University, London, which has trained and accredited over 1000 mediators through its courses in London, Latvia, Singapore, South Africa and the Channel Islands. This mediation training takes a philosophical and psychological approach to mediation and emphasizes the importance of values, beliefs and self-esteem in the creation and resolution of conflict.

She is a part-time member of the faculty on the International Relations, Politics, and Human Rights programme at Regent's University where she delivers regular seminars to the Global MA students on mediation. Her seminars are very experiential and the training focuses on transferable listening skills including understanding and dealing with strongly expressed emotions. She also lectures on the MA programme in Creative Leadership. She regularly lectures on many aspects of conflict resolution and psychotherapy.

She has a long established private practice for psychotherapy and supervision, which she runs in Surrey.

She is a contributing chapter author to ‘Co-Mediation: using a psychological paired approach to resolving conflict’ (March 2012) and the author of many journal papers.

Diana is an associate of The CH Group - comprising of Community Harmony and Corporate Harmony Limited. The company provides mediation to a diverse client group and holds contracts for providing mediation to some global EAP companies.