
Mediation provides a cost and time effective way to resolve conflict. We offer a psychological approach to the process which looks to address the emotional, financial and otherneeds of the parties.

What is Mediation?

It is a confidential, voluntary and informal process involving two or more parties in dispute and an impartial and independent mediator. The mediator meets with each party individually before facilitating a joint session with the parties.

Mediation aims to provide a safe place for parties to speak with each other in an open and honest manner to try and reach a resolution that is acceptable to all in dispute. The mediator facilitates a conversation between the parties in a safe and constructive environment.

The mediator is a facilitator not a judge and will not tell the parties what to do. Any agreement that is reached is determined solely by the parties.

Before the mediation day the mediator will speak with all parties separately. This usually takes place by phone and allows the mediator to hear what is troubling each participant, to explain the process and to address any concerns.

What will happen on the Mediation Day?

We have separate rooms set aside for the day. You will have a room of your own.

The mediator/s will ask both parties to be in the same room at the beginning of the Mediation. Any friends, legal or trade union representatives may be present at this stage. The representatives may speak for their client/friend but we find it helps the mediation if it is the parties concerned who speak for themselves.

The mediator will explain the process and give each of you the chance to explain your side of the dispute before speaking with you individually in your own room

Both mediators will stay in the same room whilst talking with each of you separately so that they can understand how things seem to you. This means that you will be on your own for some of the time, so it is a good idea to have something to read, listen to or occupy you during these times.

You may also want to bring food and drink as although we have the rooms worked from 10-5 we do not know how long the mediation will take.

Hopefully, together we can find a way of agreeing a way forward which will allow you to work together in the future. We intend to commit this to writing for you both to sign at the end of the mediation.

Diana and Monica are both qualified and accredited legal mediators and tutor on the Regent's University, London, ADR course. M&D offer a full mediation package please contact us if you feel we may be able to help with a dispute.

We also run mediation training - see our forthcoming courses page and courses pages for details and dates