....................................................................................................................................................................................EXCITING NEWS -This course is filling up fast, only 4 places remaining

M&D Associates will be running a two-day training in

Handling Difficult Conversations

Venue: Archbishop Residence, MALTA
Date: 6-7 October 2017

The course draws on a psychological approach to working with conflict. To resolve conflict one needs to understand the world view and psychological approach of those in conflict. This two-day course offers a mix of theoretical input and experiential learning opportunities. CPD certificates for 14 hours will be awarded to participants.

The tutors are Monica Hanaway & Diana Mitchell are qualified, accredited and experienced mediators and psychotherapists. Both Diana and Monica lecture on Mediation and associated courses at Regent’s University, London; run their own courses as M&D Associates in Europe. They have written widely on the subject and Monica is author of ‘Tales of Conflict’ , 'Existential Leadership' and editor of ‘Co-Mediation – using a psychological paired approach to resolving conflict’. She is joint author of 'Existential Coaching Skills; The Handbook' and joint editor of 'Existential Perspectives on Coaching'.

 For more information or to apply for a place, please email: monica.hanaway@ntlworld.com or didavmitchell@gmail.com


We will be running our next open courses at Bella Luce in Guernsey in March 2018 - WATCH THIS SPACE for details

Next Guernsey Courses



This one-day interactive course is for people wanting to know what mediation in and for trained mediators

We will provide this unique CPD opportunity to see the mediation process and to develop skills in ‘tuning in’ (the early phase of the process aimed at understanding the issues, values and behaviours of the parties) through to the ‘tuning out’ stage (including the drawing up of the agreement)

                  Date: 24thMarch 2018


Those interested in also developing their co-mediation skills may also be interested in the one day Co-Mediation course which will run the following day –

                  Sunday 25th March 2018

 Venue for both days: Bella Luce, Guernsey

 Fees: £250 per day or £450 if booking for both days

Earlybird Fees: £225 per day or £400 if booking for both days before 1st February 2018





February - One day workshop - London see below